Our Services

The professional services supplied by SHSS can remove some of the burden by working with and advising you in matters of Health and Safety, such as eliminating the uncertainty of whether you are in compliance with current Health and Safety Legislation or running unnecessary risks, therefore allowing you and your team to concentrate on your core business.

Our Mission

By employing the services of SHSS to work with you and your staff for the protection from and the prevention of occupational risks at the place of work.  You will be complying with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005Section 8(2) (l) of the Act.   (“Securing the services of a competent person”)


Our total commitment is to:

  • Reduce our client’s risks, accidents and ill health within the workplace.
  • Increase plant, equipment and system effectiveness and reliability.
  • Provide our clients with a continuing service.
  • Tailor services appropriate to our clients stated requirements.
  • Exceed the expectations of our clients in the level and quality of service provided.


Our Aim

It is the aim of SHSS to reduce the occupational risks at the place of work.  To reduce accidents, injury and ill health, and in turn hopefully your insurance premiums!

Our Values

At SHSS we:

  • Keep our client’s affairs confidential (we collect, store and handle any personal data as per GDPR requirements).
  • Put the interests of our clients ahead of our own.
  • Perform only work that is necessary and which we can do well.
  • Are open and honest with our clients.